
Fetch is a library that allows your data fetches to be written in a concise, composable way while executing efficiently. You don’t need to use any explicit concurrency construct but existing idioms: applicative for concurrency and monad for sequencing.

Oftentimes, our applications read and manipulate data from a variety of different sources such as databases, web services or file systems. These data sources are subject to latency, and we’d prefer to query them efficiently.

If we are just reading data, we can make a series of optimizations such as:

  • batching requests to the same data source
  • requesting independent data from different sources in parallel
  • caching previously seen results

However, if we mix these optimizations with the code that fetches the data we may end up trading clarity for performance. Furthermore, we are mixing low-level (optimization) and high-level (business logic with the data we read) concerns.


To begin, add the following dependency to your SBT build file:

"com.47deg" %% "fetch" % "3.1.2"

Or, if using Scala.js:

"com.47deg" %%% "fetch" % "3.1.2"

Now you’ll have Fetch available in both Scala and Scala.js.


There are other libraries in Scala that implement the same optimizations as Fetch does and have different design decisions. If Fetch is not suitable for you these alternatives may be a better fit:

  • Clump it’s been around for a long time and is used in production systems at SoundCloud and LinkedIn. You can use it with Scala’s or Twitter’s Futures.

If something is missing in Fetch that stops you from using it we’d appreciate if you open an issue in our repository.


In order to tell Fetch how to retrieve data, we must implement the DataSource typeclass. The Data typeclass is to tell Fetch which kind of data the source is fetching, and is used to optimize requests for the same data.

import cats.effect.Concurrent

trait DataSource[F[_], Identity, Result]{
  def data: Data[Identity, Result]

  def CF: Concurrent[F]

  def fetch(id: Identity): F[Option[Result]]
  /* `batch` is implemented in terms of `fetch` by default */
  def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Identity]): F[Map[Identity, Result]]

It takes two type parameters:

  • Identity: the identity we want to fetch (a UserId if we were fetching users)
  • Result: the type of the data we retrieve (a User if we were fetching users)

There are two methods: fetch and batch. fetch receives one identity and must return a Concurrent containing an optional result. Returning an Option Fetch can detect whether an identity couldn’t be fetched or no longer exists.

The batch method takes a non-empty list of identities and must return a Concurrent containing a map from identities to results. Accepting a list of identities gives Fetch the ability to batch requests to the same data source, and returning a mapping from identities to results, Fetch can detect whenever an identity couldn’t be fetched or no longer exists.

The data method returns a Data[Identity, Result] instance that Fetch uses to optimize requests to the same data source, and is expected to return a singleton object that extends Data[Identity, Result].

Writing your first data source

Now that we know about the DataSource typeclass, let’s write our first data source! We’ll start by implementing a data source for fetching users given their id. The first thing we’ll do is define the types for user ids and users.

type UserId = Int
case class User(id: UserId, username: String)

We’ll simulate unpredictable latency with this function.

import fetch._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.std.Console
import scala.concurrent.duration._

def latency[F[_]: Console: Temporal](msg: String): F[Unit] = for {
  _ <- Console[F].println(s"--> [${Thread.currentThread.getId}] $msg")
  _ <- Temporal[F].sleep(100.milliseconds)
  _ <- Console[F].println(s"<-- [${Thread.currentThread.getId}] $msg")
} yield ()

And now we’re ready to write our user data source; we’ll emulate a database with an in-memory map.


val userDatabase: Map[UserId, User] = Map(
  1 -> User(1, "@one"),
  2 -> User(2, "@two"),
  3 -> User(3, "@three"),
  4 -> User(4, "@four")

object Users extends Data[UserId, User] {
  def name = "Users"

  def source[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: DataSource[F, UserId, User] = new DataSource[F, UserId, User] {
    override def data = Users

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def fetch(id: UserId): F[Option[User]] =
      latency[F](s"One User $id") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.get(id))

    override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[UserId]): F[Map[UserId, User]] =
      latency[F](s"Batch Users $ids") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.view.filterKeys(ids.toList.toSet).toMap)

Now that we have a data source we can write a function for fetching users given a DataSource, an id and the data source as arguments to Fetch.

def getUser[F[_]: Console: Temporal](id: UserId): Fetch[F, User] =
  Fetch(id, Users.source)

Optional identities

If you want to create a Fetch that doesn’t fail if the identity is not found, you can use Fetch#optional instead of Fetch#apply. Note that instead of a Fetch[F, A] you will get a Fetch[F, Option[A]].

def maybeGetUser[F[_]: Console: Temporal](id: UserId): Fetch[F, Option[User]] =
  Fetch.optional(id, Users.source)

Data sources that don’t support batching

If your data source doesn’t support batching, you can simply leave the batch method unimplemented. Note that it will use the fetch implementation for requesting identities in parallel.

object Unbatched extends Data[Int, Int] {
  def name = "Unbatched"

  def source[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: DataSource[F, Int, Int] = new DataSource[F, Int, Int]{
    override def data = Unbatched

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def fetch(id: Int): F[Option[Int]] =

Batching individuals requests sequentially

The default batch implementation run requests to the data source in parallel, but you can easily override it. We can make batch sequential using NonEmptyList.traverse for fetching individual identities.

object UnbatchedSeq extends Data[Int, Int]{
  def name = "UnbatchedSeq"

  //Normally you only need F[_]: Concurrent; other examples use Console and Temporal due to the `latency` function.
  def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, Int, Int] = new DataSource[F, Int, Int]{
    override def data = UnbatchedSeq

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def fetch(id: Int): F[Option[Int]] =

    override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Int]): F[Map[Int, Int]] =
        (id) => fetch(id).map(v => (id, v))
      ).map(_.collect { case (i, Some(x)) => (i, x) }.toMap)

Data sources that only support batching

If your data source only supports querying it in batches, you can implement fetch in terms of batch.

object OnlyBatched extends Data[Int, Int]{
  def name = "OnlyBatched"

  def source[F[_]: Concurrent]: DataSource[F, Int, Int] = new DataSource[F, Int, Int]{
    override def data = OnlyBatched

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def fetch(id: Int): F[Option[Int]] =
      batch(NonEmptyList(id, List())).map(_.get(id))

    override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Int]): F[Map[Int, Int]] =
      CF.pure( => (x, x)).toList.toMap)

Creating a runtime

Since we’ll use IO from the cats-effect library to execute our fetches, we’ll need an IORuntime for executing our IO instances.

import //Give

Normally, in your applications, this is provided by IOApp, and you should not need to import this except in limited scenarios such as test environments that do not have Cats Effect integration. For more information, and particularly on why you would usually not want to make one of these yourself, see this post by Daniel Spiewak

Creating and running a fetch

We are now ready to create and run fetches. Note the distinction between Fetch creation and execution. When we are creating and combining Fetch values, we are just constructing a recipe of our data dependencies.

def fetchUser[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, User] =

A Fetch is just a value, and in order to be able to get its value we need to run it to an IO first.

import cats.effect.IO[IO](fetchUser)

We can now run the IO and see its result:[IO](fetchUser).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res1: Option[User] = Some(value = User(id = 1, username = "@one"))


When we have two fetches that depend on each other, we can use flatMap to combine them. The most straightforward way is to use a for comprehension:

def fetchTwoUsers[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] = for {
  aUser <- getUser(1)
  anotherUser <- getUser( + 1)
} yield (aUser, anotherUser)

When composing fetches with flatMap we are telling Fetch that the second one depends on the previous one, so it isn’t able to make any optimizations. When running the above fetch, we will query the user data source in two rounds: one for the user with id 1 and another for the user with id 2.[IO](fetchTwoUsers).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res2: Option[(User, User)] = Some(
//   value = (User(id = 1, username = "@one"), User(id = 2, username = "@two"))
// )


If we combine two independent requests to the same data source, Fetch will automatically batch them together into a single request. Applicative operations like the product of two fetches help us tell the library that those fetches are independent, and thus can be batched if they use the same data source:

def fetchProduct[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] =
  (getUser(1), getUser(2)).tupled

Note how both ids (1 and 2) are requested in a single query to the data source when executing the fetch.[IO](fetchProduct).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res3: Option[(User, User)] = Some(
//   value = (User(id = 1, username = "@one"), User(id = 2, username = "@two"))
// )


If two independent requests ask for the same identity, Fetch will detect it and deduplicate the id.

def fetchDuped[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] =
  (getUser(1), getUser(1)).tupled

Note that when running the fetch, the identity 1 is only requested once even when it is needed by both fetches.[IO](fetchDuped).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res4: Option[(User, User)] = Some(
//   value = (User(id = 1, username = "@one"), User(id = 1, username = "@one"))
// )


During the execution of a fetch, previously requested results are implicitly cached. This allows us to write fetches in a very modular way, asking for all the data they need as if it was in memory; furthermore, it also avoids re-fetching an identity that may have changed during the course of a fetch execution, which can lead to inconsistencies in the data.

def fetchCached[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] = for {
  aUser <- getUser(1)
  anotherUser <- getUser(1)
} yield (aUser, anotherUser)

The above fetch asks for the same identity multiple times. Let’s see what happens when executing it.[IO](fetchCached).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res5: Option[(User, User)] = Some(
//   value = (User(id = 1, username = "@one"), User(id = 1, username = "@one"))
// )

As you can see, the User with id 1 was fetched only once in a single round-trip. The next time it was needed we used the cached versions, thus avoiding another request to the user data source.

Combining data from multiple sources

Now that we know about some of the optimizations that Fetch can perform to read data efficiently, let’s look at how we can combine more than one data source.

Imagine that we are rendering a blog and have the following types for posts:

type PostId = Int
case class Post(id: PostId, author: UserId, content: String)

As you can see, every Post has an author, but it refers to the author by its id. We’ll implement a data source for retrieving a post given a post id.

val postDatabase: Map[PostId, Post] = Map(
  1 -> Post(1, 2, "An article"),
  2 -> Post(2, 3, "Another article"),
  3 -> Post(3, 4, "Yet another article")

object Posts extends Data[PostId, Post] {
  def name = "Posts"

  //Calls to `latency` need to sleep and use the console, so we need Console and Temporal (which extends Concurrent) instances
  def source[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: DataSource[F, PostId, Post] = new DataSource[F, PostId, Post] {
    override def data = Posts 

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def fetch(id: PostId): F[Option[Post]] =
      latency[F](s"One Post $id") >> CF.pure(postDatabase.get(id))

    override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[PostId]): F[Map[PostId, Post]] =
      latency[F](s"Batch Posts $ids") >> CF.pure(postDatabase.view.filterKeys(ids.toList.toSet).toMap)

def getPost[F[_]: Console: Temporal](id: PostId): Fetch[F, Post] =
  Fetch(id, Posts.source)

Apart from posts, we are going to add another data source: one for post topics.

type PostTopic = String

We’ll implement a data source for retrieving a post topic given a post id.

object PostTopics extends Data[Post, PostTopic] {
  def name = "Post Topics"

  def source[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: DataSource[F, Post, PostTopic] = new DataSource[F, Post, PostTopic] {
    override def data = PostTopics 

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def fetch(id: Post): F[Option[PostTopic]] = {
      val topic = if ( % 2 == 0) "monad" else "applicative"
      latency[F](s"One Post Topic $id") >> CF.pure(Option(topic))

    override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[Post]): F[Map[Post, PostTopic]] = {
      val result = => (id, if ( % 2 == 0) "monad" else "applicative")).toMap
      latency[F](s"Batch Post Topics $ids") >> CF.pure(result)

def getPostTopic[F[_]: Console: Temporal](post: Post): Fetch[F, PostTopic] =
  Fetch(post, PostTopics.source)

Now that we have multiple sources let’s mix them in the same fetch.

def fetchMulti[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (Post, PostTopic)] = for {
  post <- getPost(1)
  topic <- getPostTopic(post)
} yield (post, topic)

We can now run the previous fetch, querying the posts data source first and the user data source afterwards.[IO](fetchMulti).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res6: Option[(Post, PostTopic)] = Some(
//   value = (Post(id = 1, author = 2, content = "An article"), "applicative")
// )

In the previous example, we fetched a post given its id and then fetched its topic. This data could come from entirely different places, but Fetch makes working with heterogeneous sources of data very easy.


Combining multiple independent requests to the same data source can have two outcomes:

  • if the data sources are the same, the request is batched
  • otherwise, both data sources are queried at the same time

In the following example we are fetching from different data sources so both requests will be evaluated together.

def fetchConcurrent[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (Post, User)] =
  (getPost(1), getUser(2)).tupled

The above example combines data from two different sources, and the library knows they are independent.[IO](fetchConcurrent).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res7: Option[(Post, User)] = Some(
//   value = (
//     Post(id = 1, author = 2, content = "An article"),
//     User(id = 2, username = "@two")
//   )
// )


Fetch supports automatically batching multiple fetch requests in sequence using various combinators. This means that if you make multiple requests at once using combinators from Cats such as .sequence or .traverse you will get your requests as fast as possible, every time.

In Fetch 2.x and 3.1.x, calls to sequence or traverse on sequences of fetches will automatically try to batch or run fetches concurrently where possible. However, in Fetch 3.0.0, we briefly went in the direction of not guaranteeing batches on sequences and introducing explicit batching support to work around this. In hindsight, we felt that those ideas would be best explored in other projects and have decided to revert behavior to the way it was in 2.x, but keeping the new syntax added so as to not break projects.

Here is an example showing how to batch fetches using Fetch.batchAll

val listOfFetches = List(1, 2, 3).map(getPost[IO])
val batchedList: Fetch[IO, List[Post]] = Fetch.batchAll(listOfFetches: _*)

You can also use helpful syntax by importing fetch.syntax._ for batching sequences, like so:

import fetch.syntax._

//Takes a sequence of fetches and batches them
val batchedListWithSyntax = listOfFetches.batchAll

//Allows you to supply your own function to batch a sequence as fetches
val listToBatchWithSyntax = List(1, 2, 3).batchAllWith(id => getPost[IO](id))

Underneath, .batchAll and its siblings are synonymous with the methods from Cats named .sequence or .traverse, but converting the final result to a List explicitly afterward. If you currently use .sequence or .traverse, you will automatically batch a sequence of fetches as always, and .batchAll is there for less cats-heavy usage.


As we have learned, Fetch caches intermediate results implicitly. You can provide a prepopulated cache for running a fetch, replay a fetch with the cache of a previous one, and even implement a custom cache.

Prepopulating a cache

We’ll be using the default in-memory cache, prepopulated with some data. The cache key of an identity is calculated with the DataSource’s name method and the request identity.

def cache[F[_]: Concurrent] = InMemoryCache.from[F, UserId, User](
 (Users, 1) -> User(1, "purrgrammer")

We can pass a cache as the second argument when running a fetch with[IO](fetchUser, cache).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res8: Option[User] = Some(value = User(id = 1, username = "purrgrammer"))

As you can see, when all the data is cached, no query to the data sources is executed since the results are available in the cache.

def fetchManyUsers[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, List[User]] =
  List(1, 2, 3).traverse(getUser[F])

If only part of the data is cached, the cached data won’t be asked for:[IO](fetchManyUsers, cache).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res9: Option[List[User]] = Some(
//   value = List(
//     User(id = 1, username = "purrgrammer"),
//     User(id = 2, username = "@two"),
//     User(id = 3, username = "@three")
//   )
// )

Replaying a fetch without querying any data source

When running a fetch, we are generally interested in its final result. However, we also have access to the cache once we run a fetch. We can get both the cache and the result using Fetch.runCache instead of

Knowing this, we can replay a fetch reusing the cache of a previous one. The replayed fetch won’t have to call any of the data sources.

val (populatedCache, result) = Fetch.runCache[IO](fetchManyUsers).unsafeRunSync()
// populatedCache: DataCache[IO] = InMemoryCache(
//   state = Map(
//     (repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e, fetch.DataSourceId@1) -> fetch.DataSourceResult@d3eb82b3,
//     (repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e, fetch.DataSourceId@2) -> fetch.DataSourceResult@d43da1de,
//     (repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e, fetch.DataSourceId@3) -> fetch.DataSourceResult@30b9ef3f
//   )
// )
// result: List[User] = List(
//   User(id = 1, username = "@one"),
//   User(id = 2, username = "@two"),
//   User(id = 3, username = "@three")
// )[IO](fetchManyUsers, populatedCache).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res10: Option[List[User]] = Some(
//   value = List(
//     User(id = 1, username = "@one"),
//     User(id = 2, username = "@two"),
//     User(id = 3, username = "@three")
//   )
// )

Implementing a custom cache

The default cache is implemented as an immutable in-memory map, but users are free to use their own caches when running a fetch. Your cache should implement the DataCache trait, and after that you can pass it to Fetch’s run methods.

There is no need for the cache to be mutable since fetch executions run in an interpreter that uses the state monad. Note that the update method in the DataCache trait yields a new, updated cache.

trait DataCache[F[_]] {
  def insert[I, A](i: I, v: A, d: Data[I, A]): F[DataCache[F]]
  def lookup[I, A](i: I, d: Data[I, A]): F[Option[A]]

Let’s implement a cache that forgets everything we store in it.

import cats.{Applicative, Monad}

case class ForgetfulCache[F[_] : Monad]() extends DataCache[F] {
  def insert[I, A](i: I, v: A, d: Data[I, A]): F[DataCache[F]] =

  def lookup[I, A](i: I, ds: Data[I, A]): F[Option[A]] =

def forgetfulCache[F[_]: Concurrent] = ForgetfulCache[F]()

We can now use our implementation of the cache when running a fetch.

def fetchSameTwice[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (User, User)] = for {
  one <- getUser(1)
  another <- getUser(1)
} yield (one, another)[IO](fetchSameTwice, forgetfulCache).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res11: Option[(User, User)] = Some(
//   value = (User(id = 1, username = "@one"), User(id = 1, username = "@one"))
// )


As we have learned, Fetch performs batched requests whenever it can. It also exposes a couple knobs for tweaking the maximum batch size and whether multiple batches are run in parallel or sequentially.

Maximum batch size

When implementing a DataSource, there is a method we can override called maxBatchSize. When implementing it we can specify the maximum size of the batched requests to this data source, let’s try it out:

object BatchedUsers extends Data[UserId, User]{
  def name = "Batched Users"

  def source[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: DataSource[F, UserId, User] = new DataSource[F, UserId, User] {
    override def data = BatchedUsers

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def maxBatchSize: Option[Int] = Some(2)

    override def fetch(id: UserId): F[Option[User]] =
      latency[F](s"One User $id") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.get(id))

    override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[UserId]): F[Map[UserId, User]] =
      latency[F](s"Batch Users $ids") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.view.filterKeys(ids.toList.toSet).toMap)

def getBatchedUser[F[_]: Console: Temporal](id: Int): Fetch[F, User] =
  Fetch(id, BatchedUsers.source)

We have defined the maximum batch size to be 2, let’s see what happens when running a fetch that needs more than two users:

def fetchManyBatchedUsers[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, List[User]] =
  List(1, 2, 3, 4).traverse(getBatchedUser[F])[IO](fetchManyBatchedUsers).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res12: Option[List[User]] = Some(
//   value = List(
//     User(id = 1, username = "@one"),
//     User(id = 2, username = "@two"),
//     User(id = 3, username = "@three"),
//     User(id = 4, username = "@four")
//   )
// )

Batch execution strategy

In the presence of multiple concurrent batches, we can choose between a sequential or parallel execution strategy. By default batches will be run in parallel, but you can tweak this behaviour by overriding DataSource#batchExection.

object SequentialUsers extends Data[UserId, User]{
  def name = "Sequential Users"

  def source[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: DataSource[F, UserId, User] = new DataSource[F, UserId, User] {
    override def data = SequentialUsers

    override def CF = Concurrent[F]

    override def maxBatchSize: Option[Int] = Some(2)
    override def batchExecution: BatchExecution = Sequentially // defaults to `InParallel`

    override def fetch(id: UserId): F[Option[User]] =
      latency[F](s"One User $id") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.get(id))

    override def batch(ids: NonEmptyList[UserId]): F[Map[UserId, User]] =
      latency[F](s"Batch Users $ids") >> CF.pure(userDatabase.view.filterKeys(ids.toList.toSet).toMap)

def getSequentialUser[F[_]: Console: Temporal](id: Int): Fetch[F, User] =
  Fetch(id, SequentialUsers.source)

We have defined the maximum batch size to be 2 and the batch execution to be sequential, let’s see what happens when running a fetch that needs more than one batch:

def fetchManySeqBatchedUsers[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, List[User]] =
  List(1, 2, 3, 4).traverse(getSequentialUser[F])[IO](fetchManySeqBatchedUsers).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res13: Option[List[User]] = Some(
//   value = List(
//     User(id = 1, username = "@one"),
//     User(id = 2, username = "@two"),
//     User(id = 3, username = "@three"),
//     User(id = 4, username = "@four")
//   )
// )

Error handling

Fetch is used for reading data from remote sources and the queries we perform can and will fail at some point. There are many things that can go wrong:

  • an exception can be thrown by client code of certain data sources
  • an identity may be missing
  • the data source may be temporarily available

Since the error cases are plenty and can’t be anticipated Fetch errors are represented by the FetchException trait, which extends Throwable. Currently fetch defines FetchException cases for missing identities and arbitrary exceptions but you can extend FetchException with any error you want.


What happens if we run a fetch and fails with an exception? We’ll create a fetch that always fails to learn about it.

def fetchException[F[_]: Applicative]: Fetch[F, User] =
  Fetch.error(new Exception("Oh noes"))

If we try to execute to IO the exception will be thrown wrapped in a fetch.UnhandledException.[IO](fetchException).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// fetch.package$UnhandledException

A safer version would use Cats’ .attempt method:[IO](fetchException).attempt.unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res14: Option[Either[Throwable, User]] = Some(
//   value = Left(
//     value = UnhandledException(
//       e = java.lang.Exception: Oh noes,
//       log = FetchLog(q = Queue())
//     )
//   )
// )

Debugging exceptions

Using fetch’s debugging facilities, we can visualize a failed fetch’s execution up until the point where it failed. Let’s create a fetch that fails after a couple rounds to see it in action:

def failingFetch[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, String] = for {
  a <- getUser(1)
  b <- getUser(2)
  c <- fetchException[F]
} yield s"${a.username} loves ${b.username}"

val result2: IO[Either[Throwable, (Log, String)]] = Fetch.runLog[IO](failingFetch).attempt

Now let’s use the fetch.debug.describe function for describing the error if we find one:

import fetch.debug.describe

val value: Either[Throwable, (Log, String)] = result2.unsafeRunSync()
// value: Either[Throwable, (Log, String)] = Left(
//   value = UnhandledException(
//     e = java.lang.Exception: Oh noes,
//     log = FetchLog(
//       q = Queue(
//         Round(
//           queries = List(
//             Request(
//               request = FetchOne(
//                 id = 1,
//                 data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e,
//                 cached = false
//               ),
//               start = 719048L,
//               end = 719149L
//             )
//           )
//         ),
//         Round(
//           queries = List(
//             Request(
//               request = FetchOne(
//                 id = 2,
//                 data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e,
//                 cached = false
//               ),
//               start = 719154L,
//               end = 719255L
//             )
//           )
//         )
//       )
//     )
//   )
// )

println(value.fold(describe, _.toString))
// [ERROR] Unhandled `java.lang.Exception`: 'Oh noes', fetch interrupted after 2 rounds
// Fetch execution 🕛 0.21 seconds
//     [Round 1] 🕛 0.10 seconds
//       [Fetch one] From `Users` with id 1 cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Round 2] 🕛 0.10 seconds
//       [Fetch one] From `Users` with id 2 cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds

As you can see in the output from describe, the fetch stopped due to a java.lang.Exception after succesfully executing two rounds for getting users 1 and 2.

Missing identities

You’ve probably noticed that DataSource.fetch and DataSource.batch return types help Fetch know if any requested identity was not found. Whenever an identity cannot be found, the fetch execution will fail with an instance of MissingIdentity.

def missingUser[F[_]: Console: Temporal] =

val result3: IO[Either[Throwable, (Log, User)]] = Fetch.runLog[IO](missingUser).attempt

And now we can execute the fetch and describe its execution:

val value2: Either[Throwable, (Log, User)] = result3.unsafeRunSync()
// value2: Either[Throwable, (Log, User)] = Left(
//   value = MissingIdentity(
//     i = 5,
//     request = FetchOne(
//       id = 5,
//       data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e,
//       cached = false
//     ),
//     log = FetchLog(
//       q = Queue(
//         Round(
//           queries = List(
//             Request(
//               request = FetchOne(
//                 id = 5,
//                 data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e,
//                 cached = false
//               ),
//               start = 719298L,
//               end = 719400L
//             )
//           )
//         )
//       )
//     )
//   )
// )

println(value2.fold(describe, _.toString))
// [ERROR] Identity with id `5` for data source `Users` not found, fetch interrupted after 1 rounds
// Fetch execution 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Round 1] 🕛 0.10 seconds
//       [Fetch one] From `Users` with id 5 cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds

As you can see in the output, the identity 5 for the user source was not found, thus the fetch failed without executing any rounds. MissingIdentity also allows you to access the fetch request that was in progress when the error happened.

value2 match {
  case Left(mi @ MissingIdentity(id, q, log)) => {
    println("Data: " +
    println("Identity: " + id)

  case _ =>
// Data: Users
// Identity: 5
// Fetch execution 🕛 0.10 seconds
//   [Round 1] 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Fetch one] From `Users` with id 5 cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds


Companion object

We’ve been using Cats’ syntax and fetch.syntax throughout the examples since it’s more concise and general than the methods in the Fetch companion object. However, you can use the methods in the companion object directly.

Note that using cats syntax gives you a plethora of combinators, much richer that what the companion object provides.


Plain values can be lifted to the Fetch monad with Fetch#pure:

def fetchPure[F[_]: Applicative]: Fetch[F, Int] =

Executing a pure fetch doesn’t query any data source, as expected.[IO](fetchPure).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res18: Option[Int] = Some(value = 42)


Errors can also be lifted to the Fetch monad via Fetch#error.

def fetchFail[F[_]: Applicative]: Fetch[F, Int] =
  Fetch.error(new Exception("Something went terribly wrong"))

Note that interpreting an errorful fetch can throw an exception.[IO](fetchFail).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// fetch.package$UnhandledException


The Fetch.batchAll function can be ran on any Seq[Fetch[F, A]] to turn it into a Fetch[F, List[A]]. It works similarly to calling .sequence on a sequence of fetches, only it tries to batch them where possible. You can also use .batchAllWith which works similarly to .traverse in that it works just like .map followed by .batchAll.

//Longer, manual syntax for batching lists of fetches
val batchAllManual = Fetch.batchAll(List(1, 2, 3).map(getPost[IO]): _*)

//Handy, smaller syntax directly on your list that works like .sequence
val batchAllWithSyntax = List(1, 2, 3).map(getPost[IO]).batchAll

//Similar syntax that works like .traverse, allowing you to pass a function
val batchAllDifferentSyntax = List(1, 2, 3).batchAllWith(getPost[IO])


Fetch is built using Cats’ data types and typeclasses and thus works out of the box with cats syntax. Using Cats’ syntax, we can make fetch declarations more concise, without the need to use the combinators in the Fetch companion object.

Fetch provides its own instance of Applicative[Fetch]. Whenever we use applicative operations on more than one Fetch, we know that the fetches are independent meaning we can perform optimizations such as batching and concurrent requests.

If we were to use the default Applicative[Fetch] operations, which are implemented in terms of flatMap, we wouldn’t have information about the independency of multiple fetches.


The tuple apply syntax allows us to combine multiple independent fetches, even when they are from different types, and apply a pure function to their results. We can use it as a more powerful alternative to the product method:

def fetchThree[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (Post, User, Post)] =
  (getPost(1), getUser(2), getPost(2)).tupled

Notice how the queries to posts are batched.[IO](fetchThree).unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds)
// res19: Option[(Post, User, Post)] = Some(
//   value = (
//     Post(id = 1, author = 2, content = "An article"),
//     User(id = 2, username = "@two"),
//     Post(id = 2, author = 3, content = "Another article")
//   )
// )

More interestingly, we can use it to apply a pure function to the results of various fetches.

def fetchFriends[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, String] = (getUser(1), getUser(2)).mapN { (one, other) =>
  s"${one.username} is friends with ${other.username}"
// res20: Option[String] = Some(value = "@one is friends with @two")


We have introduced the handy fetch.debug.describe function for debugging errors, but it can do more than that. It can also give you a detailed description of a fetch execution given an execution log.

Add the following line to your dependencies for including Fetch’s debugging facilities:

"com.47deg" %% "fetch-debug" % "3.1.2"

Fetch execution

We are going to create an interesting fetch that applies all the optimizations available (caching, batching and concurrent request) for ilustrating how we can visualize fetch executions using the execution log.

def batched[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, List[User]] =
  List(1, 2).traverse(getUser[F])

def cached[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, User] =

def notCached[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, User] =

def concurrent[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, (List[User], List[Post])] =
  (List(1, 2, 3).traverse(getUser[F]), List(1, 2, 3).traverse(getPost[F])).tupled

def interestingFetch[F[_]: Console: Temporal]: Fetch[F, String] =
  batched >> cached >> notCached >> concurrent >> Fetch.pure("done")

Now that we have the fetch let’s run it, get the log and visualize its execution using the describe function:

val io = Fetch.runLog[IO](interestingFetch)
// io: IO[(Log, String)] = FlatMap(
//   ioe = Map(
//     ioe = FlatMap(
//       ioe = Delay(
//         thunk = cats.effect.IO$$$Lambda$16324/0x000000010486d840@59ed9da6,
//         event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//       ),
//       f = cats.FlatMap$$Lambda$16444/0x0000000104945040@738c6589,
//       event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//     ),
//     f = cats.SemigroupalArityFunctions$$Lambda$16445/0x0000000104944840@278a950b,
//     event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//   ),
//   f = fetch.package$Fetch$FetchRunnerLog$$$Lambda$16520/0x000000010498c040@15839829,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )

val (log, result4) = io.unsafeRunSync()
// log: Log = FetchLog(
//   q = Queue(
//     Round(
//       queries = List(
//         Request(
//           request = Batch(
//             ids = NonEmptyList(head = 1, tail = List(2)),
//             data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e,
//             cached = false
//           ),
//           start = 719628L,
//           end = 719733L
//         )
//       )
//     ),
//     Round(
//       queries = List(
//         Request(
//           request = FetchOne(
//             id = 2,
//             data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e,
//             cached = true
//           ),
//           start = 719735L,
//           end = 719735L
//         )
//       )
//     ),
//     Round(
//       queries = List(
//         Request(
//           request = FetchOne(
//             id = 4,
//             data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Users$@9a59a6e,
//             cached = false
//           ),
//           start = 719735L,
//           end = 719836L
//         )
//       )
//     ),
//     Round(
//       queries = List(
//         Request(
//           request = Batch(
//             ids = NonEmptyList(head = 1, tail = List(2, 3)),
//             data = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Posts$@4c6cf8c3,
//             cached = false
//           ),
// ...
// result4: String = "done"

io.unsafeRunTimed(5.seconds) match {
 case Some((log, _)) => println(describe(log))
 case None => println("Unable to run fetch")
// Fetch execution 🕛 0.31 seconds
//   [Round 1] 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Batch] From `Users` with ids List(1, 2) cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds
//   [Round 2] 🕛 0.00 seconds
//     [Fetch one] From `Users` with id 2 cached true 🕛 0.00 seconds
//   [Round 3] 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Fetch one] From `Users` with id 4 cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds
//   [Round 4] 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Batch] From `Posts` with ids List(1, 2, 3) cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Batch] From `Users` with ids List(3) cached false 🕛 0.10 seconds
//     [Batch] From `Users` with ids List(1, 2) cached true 🕛 0.00 seconds

Let’s break down the output from describe:

  • The first line shows the total time that took to run the fetch
  • The nested lines represent the different rounds of execution
  • “Fetch one” rounds are executed for getting an identity from one data source
  • “Batch” rounds are executed for getting a batch of identities from one data source



Fetch stands on the shoulders of giants:

  • Haxl is Facebook’s implementation (Haskell) of the original paper Fetch is based on.
  • Clump has inspired the signature of the DataSource#fetch* methods.
  • Stitch is an in-house Twitter library that is not open source but has inspired Fetch’s high-level API.
  • Cats, a library for functional programming in Scala.
  • Monix high-performance and multiplatform (Scala / Scala.js) asynchronous programming library.